Jocelyn and Kyra (Amanda and Terry in back) Xmas 2005 | Great Petaluma flood, Jan, My truck in front of the house! | Jocelyn and Kyra in the Sierra Feb. | Martín and Kyra in the Sierra 2/06 | Sharon's family at the old Pt. Reyes house May | Mike, Sharon, Stewart, and Tim - July, Honeymoon Flat. | Bob, Jerry and Tim - July, Matterhorn Peak | Amanda at Waikiki - July | Lone Mountain - Big Sky, Montana - Aug | Kyra - pumpkin picking - Oct | Kyra making cookies - Dec | Amanda in Fashion Drawing class - Dec
We've had a busy year marked by events that have made the time pass even more quickly, and reminded us how much our friends and family mean to us. On January 28, 2006, my parents' anniversary, we held a memorial for my mom, who died Dec 9, 2005. While not a happy event, it nevertheless brought together family and friends, some of whom we hadn't seen for years. On Mother's Day our extended family hiked to a beach on Tomales Bay in Pt. Reyes National Seashore for a picnic and wild water frisbee game. Forty years ago, before the park was established, our family and friends spent holiday weekends camping on that beach, so this was a memorial to those good times. In the afternoon, we visited our family home in Pt. Reyes, now owned by one of Mom and Dad's neighbors and occupied by some very understanding tenants. (Fifteen of us tramped through their house.) In the spring we spent many weekends poring through family records, hundreds of pictures, and dividing up memorabilia. Our parents used to share stories with us, but we are still discovering the history of all their adventures and accomplishments. I realized that one gift, as a result of this, is that not since I was age seven have I spent so much time together with my three siblings. In January, Tim and I spent a weekend in Monterey, attending a retirement ceremony for a member of his Navy unit, and then took a whale-watching cruise, which was fantastic! In May, I went to the Physician Assistant National Conference, which was held in San Francisco this year, and saw a few of my UC Davis classmates. For the July Fourth weekend, we planned a reunion back pack trip to the Eastern Sierra, specifically Bridgeport/Twin Lakes area, with a plan to hike in to Matterhorn Peak in Hoover Wilderness, California. Our destination for base camp was at 9000 feet, which was still under snow. It wasn't like that in '76...And somehow that switchback trail the first 1500 vertical feet was much easier 30 years ago! We had quite a crew: several friends, including one of our climbing buddies from the good ol' days - Jerry, aka "The Coach", - who definitely coached me up the trail - Terry, and my brother Mike. We felt great that we could still do a trip like that...BUT-do we ever want to do it again!? Mostly, it was great to be out in the Sierra wilderness with friends. The mountain awaits...oh, well, we have some great pictures! In August, Tim and I went to an emergency medicine conference in Big Sky, Montana. The conference was very informative - how to carry someone out of the back country in a "burrito wrap", and 101 uses for duct tape and safety pins. But also, between the wacky internet video clips during the lectures and a side trip white water rafting, we had a great time in an absolutely gorgeous setting. Tim's web design business is picking up, and he also is keeping himself busy with work and activities with the green party. Brewing is a priority, too. I've been working at the clinic and squeezing time in for some fun things here and there. Another activity this year has been house-hunting. We just want room to have friends and family over, a garden, and oh, of course, Tim's brewing. Agreeing on a house is the hard part! Jocelyn and Martin are working hard at their jobs as CNAs and Martin took an English class this fall. His verbal English is pretty good, but parts of speech baffle him. One day, rather exasperated, he blurted out, "I just don't understand the difference between 'has had' or 'had had', or all the different pronouns!!" I wanted to tell him "Don't worry - most of the English-speaking world doesn't, either!" But even with my English-nerd background (I loved diagramming sentences) it was still a challenge to explain these mysterious English nuances. This summer, Jocelyn and Martin did some hiking and biking, with Kyra in a bike trailer, and went to the snow last winter. Kyra is a very active 3-year-old, who is talking constantly. She loves princesses, especially the princess costume that Jocelyn made her for Halloween. She also has a mean soccer kick and loves roughhousing with her papa. She started preschool this fall and loves it, and is also in Auntie Lauren's music class. She really thinks it's funny when Grandpa is trying to act cool. One day Tim said "Yo, Kyra!" She covered her face and shook her head in mock embarrassment. Ah yes, three going on thirteen. Kyra was very excited a couple of weeks ago when she heard us talking about Christmas. "Skrishmas?! Skrishmas! Santa's going to bring me presents!" So we reminded her that she would be giving presents, too. Recently, she came over to make Christmas cookies, so I sent a plate home with her. The next day she said to her mom, with her arms outstretched, "Grandma and me, we made these cookies!!" She can be polite-sometimes. When we're out in public, she goes up to people and says, matter-of-factly, "Hi, my name is Kyra, and this is my Grandma, and..." Terry and Lauren had a major event this year: they bought a house! It's in southwest Santa Rosa, in an urban area, but down a lane where there are some older houses that survived development. The house is on about one-third acre, and is a small but very cute three bedroom. They've already done some work, and had a garden party for Lauren's birthday in October. One priority is to rebuild the garage, which was burned down by some dubious activities of the previous residents. Along with Natasha and Mordechai, their cats, they're at home. Terry is working for Medtronic, but also worked harvest at Beringer winery this fall. Lauren continues to teach music, accompany a high-school choir and is going for her teaching credential this year. They've done a little traveling, too. From Amanda: We're about to celebrate Amanda's first year of completion at Academy of Art University in San Francisco, studying fashion design. So far, she has created the preliminary designs for three collections, including a knitwear collection. She has found her niche at art school, and is wholly dedicated. In need of inspiration for one of her design projects, she recently drove as far as the northern Mojave Desert just to get pictures (without telling us she was going!) Between commuting to school, finishing homework, and working, she still manages to squeeze in a social life here and there. Amanda is ready for winter break though: snowboarding, snowboarding, and more snowboarding! She is still working with me at Petaluma Health Center, focusing on data entry for women's health case management, assisting the diabetes collaborative, and whatever other random projects our medical director assigns her. She lives in Santa Rosa with her roommate, Scott. Last summer Amanda went to Oahu with a friend for a week. Besides napping and exploring the island, they managed to catch many dawn surf sessions at Waikiki before the rest of the "haloes" invaded the waves! She has also taken some Southern California trips to concerts and car shows. A few months ago she started talking about traveling around Europe alone next summer - then she bought the plane ticket. EEK! She's really going, planning to leave May 22 and return July 24. This is scary for me, but at the same time I really want her to go. There is no experience like traveling. If anyone has any contacts, advice, or info, or if you want the link to her future blog of the trip, please write or email us. We love hearing from our friends near and far. Email is really great - especially for those of us (like me) who procrastinate in sending REAL letters. Let us know if you are in the area! We hope that you spend this season safe and healthy, and with friends and family. Merry Christmas - or pick your holiday of choice - and Happy New Year! Tim and Sharon Morgan and Family. Email: Tim - or Sharon - |
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